How to Plan a Disney World Visit For a Large Group

Do you have a really big family or a lot of close friends? How often do you see them? Wouldn’t it be great if instead of trying and failing to host a big meet-up every other month, you all could go on one big vacation of a lifetime together? This idea isn’t for everyone but for those of you with a close but large network of people you love and who are important to you, why not add some magic to the mix and plan something exciting and memorable…like a group vacation! With a little organization and the help of the internet, you can find Disney World vacation packages that are cost effective and fun for you and all the special people in your life.

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Disney!
Now don’t set yourself up to become some militant event coordinator from hell…understand that even though you will be planning group activities, there are different people going who may not all be interested in the same thing. Give people some room to groove and explore Disney World at their pace, specific to the activities that they are interested in – with a friendly option to do things together with others. Again, this isn’t a responsibility that just anyone can handle, but if you fancy yourself something of an organizing wizard, here are two things to consider when making your plans!

1. Have A Pre-Vacation Party! (It’s actually more like a meeting, but don’t tell ‘em that)
Plan a casual dinner party, throw on a Disney movie dvd and pull out the games if you want to for more fun after. This meeting is important to the success of a large group vacation because it lets people share ideas and concerns as well as their availabilities. You don’t want to go planning a vacation that half the people can’t attend. Emphasize the importance of flexibility and try to get everyone to commit to a set of dates that is realistic and do-able. If most of your group doesn’t live near enough to attend a physical party, throw a virtual one! Get everyone together on Skype for a group voice chat or on an i.m. messenger. Most importantly, whatever decisions are made at your party-meeting, record them and send them to everyone later on for final approval. This is already shaping up to be tons of fun!

2. Where will we be staying?
At Disney World you’ll have several lodging options to accommodate the needs and tastes of each person or sub-group. Visit deal websites to get a feel of the kind of discounts you can enjoy with large parties and even smaller ones. Sometimes in the interest of cost it may be more feasible to break the troops up. Whichever route you decide to take, let individuals make their own lodging arrangements. Why? Because this is the one thing that you don’t want to mess with and a middle man will get the blame should something not go as planned. Make suggestions on where to stay and deals that are available, but ultimately, let the individuals do the bookings.
Most importantly, you want to remember that this is supposed to be fun. Be flexible. Be thorough and organized, but do not let yourself get so stressed that you end up throwing the idea away or using the vacation experience to hibernate! Have a blast!


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