Costa Bingo Gives Sunny a Face Lift

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM–(Marketwire – Sept. 24, 2010) – Costa Bingo has recently unveiled a new look to its online bingo fans. The site has had a revamp and even famous Sunny character has been given a funky 3-D face lift.

Initial reactions from online bingo players have been highly positive. We’re sure the sunshine bingo site has seen a sharp upturn in membership since the re-design.

Bingo Social visitors were certainly impressed by the new look of the Costa Bingo site. One online bingo fan commented: “I love the new design of the Costa site, especially the 3-D Sunny character – it makes the site look really modern and edgy”.

With all the new online bingo sites coming onto the scene every month, Costa is certainly keeping its head and shoulders above the competition with its new look focussing on keeping the site fresh and up to date in the image stakes.

In addition to the new 3-D Sunny character, the revamped Costa Bingo site also features a brand new design on the home page. Sunny sits in the top right as usual, but the centre of the home screen now features some funky moving graphics.

The new animation on the Costa home page links visually with scenes from the new TV ad recently launched by Costa. Sunny is seen in the centre of the revamped home page, setting bingo balls free from their prison – and free bingo is what Costa is famous for after all!

The new design focuses on the free bingo aspect of the Costa Bingo experience, with the countdown to the next free to enter jackpot game clearly visible in the centre of the page. There is also a latest winners’ scrolling list and a bonus calculator so players can work out exactly how much free money they can claim!

The jackpots available at Costa Bingo take centre stage in the new design – a sensible move as far as Bingo Social members are concerned: “The new Costa site design means that we can see exactly what is on offer, all the jackpots available and the free bingo games we can play right there and then” one member commented.

It seems the immediacy of the free bingo on offer at Costa, and the fact that free bingo games are available all day every day, is something highly prized by online bingo fans and the site revamp pushes this free bingo aspect right to the forefront of visitors’ first impressions.

Costa Bingo has always been hugely popular with our members since its launch in June 2009 and the free bingo pioneer’s revamped site, complete with new stylish 3-D Sunny, has certainly won another big thumbs-up from all our Bingo Social members! 

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